All Repaired / Re-Seeded Areas
In the general area, areas that have been repaired and reseeded are to be treated as Ground Under Repair from which free relief is allowed under rule 16.1
(This includes any new drainage lines that have been re-soiled)
Removed Trees
Throughout the course any ground where a tree has been removed the damaged area is to be treated as ground under repair from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1
Loose Impediments
In The General area any ground with accumulation of
In the general area is treated as ground under repair from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1
Lift, Clean and Replace
When a player's ball lies in the general area the ball may be lifted cleaned and replaced without penalty. The player must mark the spot of the ball before lifting it (rule 14.1) and the ball must be replaced on its original spot. (rule 14.2)
Tractor Damage
In the general area, areas of damage caused by tractors and other similar traffic are treated as ground under repair from which relief is allowed under Rule 16.1
Bare Patches Caused by Water Damage
All bare patches caused by water damage through the green are to be treated as Ground Under Repair from which relief is allowed under rule 16.1
Chester Golf Club Local Rule - No Play Zone
1st Hole
If a ball is in the wild flower area to the rear of the 1st green that was once used as a tee for hole 2, including when it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found came to rest in this area, the player must take free relief by dropping the original ball or another ball in the marked dropping zone.
The dropping zone is a relief area under rule 14.3
9th Hole
The felled trees to the right hand side of the hole is to be treated as an abnormal ground condition. Free relief must be taken from the drop zone.
The drop zone is a relief area under Rule 14.3
18th Hole
The flower bed to the right of the 18th green is a no play zone to be treated as an abnormal ground condition. Free relief must be taken from the drop zone.
The drop zone is a relief area under Rule 14.3
Dave Wells
Chair of Golf
24th September 2024